
Archive for December, 2011

《台灣的驕傲》 給你12種感動

2011-12-31 01:49




2012台北101煙火 2012 Taipei 101 Fireworks


Happy New Year for everybody : )

2011 歲末的溫柔 2012


時光荏苒,記憶飛逝,走過的路, (more…)


真的覺得這首歌曲是個經典,從以前聽到現在都百聽不膩!周杰倫和許多巨星個手的 (more…)

Travel in Taiwan Hualien – Taroko Eternal Spring Shrine 花蓮太魯閣長春祠之旅

Eternal Spring Shrine (also Changchun ShrineChanchun Shrine; simplified Chinese: 长春祠; traditional Chinese: 長春祠; pinyin: Chángchūn cí; Pe̍h-ōe-jī: Tiông-chhun-sû; literally “Ancestral shrine of Eternal, or Long, Spring”; 24°9′40.07″N 121°36′8.03″ECoordinates: 24°9′40.07″N 121°36′8.03″E) is a landmark and a memorial shrine complex in Taroko National Park in Taiwan, in Hualian County near town of Xiulin. It is one of the major picturesque points of the park, with the view of the mountains and the waterfall, and one of the main memorials for veterans.

It was planned for construction in 1958 while the Central Cross-Island Highway was built nearby. It commemorates the memory of 212 veterans who died while constructing the Highway (1956—1960).

The name of the temple comes from the Changchun Falls that never stop running.  The Shrine is located right above the waterfall streams.




